Continental Consulting aims to provide all of its clients with a broad spectrum of legal services from accounting to legal matters.
We operate our legal division from the Ofisol Building above on the main Av Condes de San Isidro no 13, in Fuengirola, just next to the Church Square. We specialize in matters ranging from Denuncias received or made, eviction notices, traffic matters, divorce proceedings and civil disputes.
In the event that you have just received a Denuncia from the police and are unsure on what and how to proceed, then contact us for an appointment. We can advise you as to the extent of the Denuncia, Are you being accused of something that you know nothing about? How do you defend yourself? Will you have to go to court or do you need to reach an agreement? All of these things we will help guide and advise you on the best options available.
Are you wishing to evict a tenant from your property? If so are you aware of the legal process to save time and money from the start. Do you know legally where you stand? How long could it take to go to court? Can you do anything to harm the defence of your rights to the property? We will explain the correct legal steps of the eviction process to work in your favour.
Have you been involved in a road traffic accident? If you have and the police were involved do you need advice on the next steps? Have you been issued a Denuncia for failing a breath test. We will work quickly and effectively to try and reduce the fine and the loss of points or license on your behalf.
We look forward to talking to you about any legal matters that you are faced with.
Mª Carmen Flores Calmaestra
Has a Law degree from the University of Málaga since 1996, is a member of the Bar Association of Málaga with the number 4,035.
Is a founding partner of the Cyclo group and manages the Legal department, being an expert in the areas of inheritance and family law, especially in the international arena. She Studied for Legal Practice at the School of ICAMALAGA in 1998 and Master In Law Family and Inheritance, via the International University of Andalusia in 2014.
Her preferred areas are:
– Real Estate Law: Assistannce in the sale of real estate, drafting of private contracts and representation in front of public notaries
– Planning: Management in relation to the legality of property and illegal dwellings.
– Family Law: Separation and Divorce. Pensions. Modifying measures of Custody. Cohabiting. Separations of assets. Liquidations of matrimonial property regime. Enforcement of foreign judgments in family matters.
– Wills and Estates: Drafting individualized according to the personal circumstances of the client will. Full processing of inheritances. Inheritance tax for residents and non-residents. International inheritances.